Meet Korrin

Wife to Isaac. Travel Enthusiast. Dog Mom. Pineapple Photography CEO.

I am, unapologetically, a believer in Christ. My goal in life to know Him and make Him known. Anywhere I am is my mission field and I am called to serve and be a light in the darkness.

Some of my favorite things include: sweet tea, disc golf, elephants, my dogs: Maple Bacon Donut & Ruby Sue, family, and all things outdoors.

I love HGTV, and you will find me watching all the episodes of Good Bones, Hometown, or Restoring Galveston any day of the week! #save1900

Meet Baylee

Wife to Andrew. Creative. Teacher.

I love to travel. Exploring new destinations brings me so much joy and brings me life.

I would rather spend time outside than inside. Reading on my patio, walking my dog Buddy, and running are a few of my favorites.

I teach 7th grade math at Dalton Middle School. Watching students learn new things and grow throughout the year are just a few reasons why I do what I do!